Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday's Walk

It's a lovely day - sunny and mild.  Off we go.
The flowering currant is heavy with berries.

Douglas Aster is one of the last wildflowers to bloom.

Blue Elderberries.  Wine anyone?

Wild Mint

Osier Dogwood

Osier Dogwood

A wild pea of some sort.


Queen Anne's Lace

Ripening berries on a Hawthorn

Cluster of Blackberries


Douglas Fir cones dripping with sap.

A short walk, but a good one. Enjoy the new day. 


  1. Much to see on your walks, Beth! I am very thankful that you share your photos!

  2. Yellow flower is Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus). It appears to be an invasive weed species

  3. The yellow flower looks like it could be Bird's Foot Trefoil, I have lots growing wild in my very wet garden.


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