Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Next Up

Even thought it is almost September, the July fish are calling to me. The blues and greens are soothing, so that's going to be my next stitch.

What's going on?

The Goldfinches are eating verbena bonariensis

Flocks of Bushtits continue to come by.
I counted eight in this photo. 

Close-up of a female.

 This photo amuses me.  A young Cowbird and an Anna's Hummigbird. The hummer is not 'cowed' by the larger bird.


  1. Looking forward to your fish start, Beth! These Square Dance pieces are so cute. What a great shot you captured of the hummingbird and the Cowbird!


  2. That July piece is very pretty! The colors are so soothing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.