Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday's Walk

May is such a pretty month.  Let's take a walk.

Native ceanothus  - also called Buck Brush.


A tiny lupine


Iris tenax 

Sweet Woodruff

Cows' Parsnip

Cat's Ears

I found a nice patch with a couple dozen plants.

Such a complex blossom!

Almost no leaves and a grass-like stem, they are impossible to find until they bloom.

A pop of bright yellow among all the green. 

Camas - a nice patch and this year the deer have not munched them down before they bloomed!


A large stand of Chokecherry.

Hope you've enjoyed today's walk!


  1. What beauty you have to enjoy during your walk, Beth!

  2. The Cat's Ears are so delicate and pretty.


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