Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Brand New Bird!

Design - "Belli...can"
Chart - "August"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count R & R "Morning Fog" linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 May 2015
Completed - 13 June 2015

White Pelicans winter in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and I love to watch them.  I've gotten to see a couple of flocks flying overhead (at my house) during times of migration - very cool!

Last year I had one new yard bird - a Red-shoulder Hawk.  I did not know if I'd get one this year - guess what? I did! 

I headed down to the Big Creek Monday afternoon.  I knew the Chokecherries were in bloom and I figure that they might have some warblers hanging out. 

As soon as I got settled I could hear something "chipping" on the far side of the creek.  I located it with my binoculars!

It was a Nashville Warbler - a new-to-me Yard Bird!

It did a pretty good job posing for a couple of minutes and with the max zoom on the camera I quickly snapped off a few photos.

So pleased to be able to add this lovely bird to my Life List.  I'll be making more trips back down to the Big Creek - you can bet on it! 


  1. Wonderful pics! Great job. Lovely bird.😀

  2. Cute bird mitten, Beth! What a lovely bird you heard and saw!

  3. How exciting for you to have a new bird!!


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