Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday's Walk

What a lovely day for a walk!

The Pacific Trilliums (Trillium ovatum) are in bloom.

And here is Trillium chloropetalum with its mottled leaves and the bloom coming right out of the leaves.

More Pacific Trilliums.

Note the stem from the leaves causes the bloom to droop. 

White blooms.

Osoberries in bloom.

Close up

The Big Creek


Licorice Fern

Western Spring Beauty (Claytonia lanceolata)

Oregon Trout Lilies (Erythronium oregonum) are popping up.

Here are more.

Dorothy's Creek

Mossy rock

More early spring blooms.


  1. Pretty pictures with the signs of spring! On the way to town yesterday, I saw several Bradford Pear trees in full blossom and some of the forsythias are beginning to bloom.

  2. It's lovely to see all the signs of spring popping up! Thanks for the spring cheer!

  3. You are right, it was such a lovely Spring walk! It has turned pretty cold here so everything has slowed down. We may even get snow showers this weekend! UG!


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