Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bunnies and Bushtits

This is the rabbit motif from "The Hare and the Basket" a 1996 sampler designed by Jean Farish Huls for the Spirit of Cross Stitch Festival.  I thought rabbit charming and was not up to the challenge of stitching the entire (large) sampler.  So this way, instant bunny gratification!

Back to Bushtits!

I had a nice group fly in the other day.

I counted eight or nine birds.

They looked from above...

...and waited their turn below.


A nice little mob.

This gives you a size comparison with a Golden-crowned Sparrow.  

Three on a high wire.

There they are!

So sweet.


  1. Love the bunny and the Bush Tits are so cute. Enjoy your day, Diane

  2. Love your bunny stitch! Wow, lots of Bushtit activity at the feeder! They seem more patient and less territorial than the hummers!

  3. Bushtits are such sweet little birds! What a cute little bunny.


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