Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Little Guys

Design - "Twin Hearts"
Designer - Brightneedle
Fabric - 28 count cream linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - February 2011
Competed - 14 March 2011

My camera got a good workout yesterday attempting to capture tiny birds.

I had a flock of around 11 Bushtits fly in.

They go through a suet cake in about 4 days.

They posed so I got some faces...

You can see males and females both in this photo.

A female on top, a male on the left side of the cage.

Another happy couple.

An extreme close up.

Feather details are stunning.


  1. Love your bird photos. Also noticed all those gorgeous ginger cats in the sidebar. Do you currently have a ginger cat? I have 2.

  2. Just popping in to say how much I love and appreciate all your photos and the bird activity --thanks for posting so often--never get tired of seeing the birds and your cross stitching-
    luv, di


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.