Monday, February 10, 2020

I've Been Stitching

Yep, I've been stitching the littlest bit.
Enough so that I can show off some progress on "All is Calm".  

It'd been a Woodpecker Wonderland the past couple of days.

I have not one...

...but two male Downy Woodpeckers.

I think there are two females as well.

And here's the larger Hairy Woodpecker

Also a female.

She was very talkative.

And for comparison's sake - this is a decent photo.
Female Hairy on top, smaller female Downy below.

I'm very pleased with the clarity my new camera achieved on these distant shots of a Red-breasted Sapsucker.

That red head!

It makes for a stunning bird.
I've also had a female Flicker, but no photos.
And I continue to hear the Acorn Woodpeckers working on their granary tree.  But they are not visiting my feeders.


  1. Great shots of the woodpeckers, Beth! It sounds like you are pleased with your new camera.

  2. Glad you found time for stitching Beth. Did you see we adopted a cat?! :)

  3. You really have a wonderful collection of woodpeckers!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.