Thursday, January 16, 2020

More of the Same

Design - "Herbert"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Started - 7 October 2009
Finish - 15 October 2009

I'm most please with this snowguy.  He is a cutie.
Love his sweater and scarf.

More snowmen and more Bushtits.

I was outside on and off Tuesday and the Bushtits swarmed a suet feeder multiple times.

They are just so stinking cute!

I wish I could capture more heads and eyes... 

...but they were vigorously attackingthe suet.

The one on the railing, "Hey guys, it's my turn!"

As you can see I put out a new cake of suet.

A couple more on the wire above - so cool!

1 comment:

  1. That snowman is sure a cutie! Things are a bit back to normal today. We got about 8 inches of snow and pretty much stayed home.


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