Friday, January 17, 2020

A Happy Ending

Design - "More Snow"
Designer - Val's Little Stuff
Fabric - 32 count Mushroom Lugana
Fibers - GAST
Started - 1 January 2011
Completed - 4 January 2011

Here's a bird story with a happy ending.

A few days ago at work a co-worker noticed a bird dangling upside down from the top of a tree at the edge of our parking lot.  She called a bird rehab place in town and they connected with the city's Urban Forestry department.  

Urban Forestry arrived with equipment to reach the male Brewer's Blackbird.  They cut the branch and discovered that the bird had become tangled on thin line - they thought it was fishing line - I thought it was thread.  

The bird was taken to the rehab center to be monitored.  It was successfully released back to our parking lot two days later!


  1. Love the snowman piece you shared today! What a wonderful bird story! I am glad it was able to be released after a couple days.

  2. How great that somebody took the time to call the rescuers and good news that the bird was able to be released. Things like this really make me happy.

  3. I am so glad the co-worker noticed that poor bird. Glad to know the bird was rescued and is released!


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