Monday, September 23, 2019

It is Officially Autumn

Design - "Butternut Squash"
Chart - "Farmers' Market" #39
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Pearl linen
Floss - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 September 2012
Completed - 17 September 2012

I do not like to eat summer squash at all - but I do like most winter squash - acorn, butternut and delicata.

It is officially autumn in the natural world. Sunday evening when I went outside about 7:00pm to bring in my most distant bird feeder, I heard squawking and looked up to see skein after skein of geese all headed south with purpose.

They sounded different from Canada Geese - I think they were Greater White-front Geese.

They come up from Mexico and the Gulf Coast to breed in the northern tundra of Alaska and western Canada.

This time of year they make the long journey back south.


  1. Your squash piece is lovely, Beth! I'm not a big squash eater. Great shots of the geese1

  2. Your stitched piece is so pretty. Yes, it is that time of year. I'm getting in the mood to head to the pumpkin patch and decorate for Fall!

  3. I love the colors in your squash cross stitch. I love spaghetti squash in place of real spaghetti, but I've never been a big fan of butternut squash. When I have had it, I've drowned it in butter and brown sugar. I'm not eating butter OR brown sugar these days, so I have to give it a second chance. Since I stopped eating sugar, my taste buds have become more sensitive to the natural flavor of food (Yay!). I have a butternut squash in the pantry.... now I just need to DO something with it. Maybe I will like it after all. MAYBE.


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