Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Special Hummer to Share This Sunday

Photo by Charles Gates

On Thursday my mom and dad traveled 160 miles from Sunriver, Oregon to south eastern Oregon and the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. 
Because of this guy!
This is only the 3rd Broad-billed Hummingbird ever seen in Oregon according to the Oregon Bird Records Committee.

Photo by Vern Tunnell
The bird was first observed by a visitor on the 14th and remained at the refuge through the 19th. 

Photo by Vern Tunnell
They are year-around residents of central Mexico and travel north just into the southern most end of Arizona and New Mexico to breed.  This guy was hundreds of mils north of its normal range.  I'm so happy my Mom had the opportunity to see this special bird.


  1. Wow! Very cool! How do people see this special bird when it's in the wild? You know where it's been seen, but how do you actually see it when you get to where it was seen? I've always wondered. It's a gorgeous bird!

  2. What a gorgeous hummer! His coloring is stunning!

  3. How fantastic to see this guy! Love it...Thanks for sharing especially since my hummers have departed on their journey to warmer climate Always a bit sad...but when they return next Spring in May we celebrate!! Have a wonderful week, blessings.

  4. Beth, what a beautiful bird! He is definitely something special. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. That is a beautiful hummingbird!

  6. What a beautiful bird! Thank you for sharing!

  7. I have the same question as Margaret! haha...


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