Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wednesday's Walk

It's that time of the year!  We had our first looks at groups of baby quail on the 4th of July. We've posted a had-written sandwich board sign for several years now warning delivery folks and visitors to look out for baby quail.    

This year we proudly display the sign a neighbor designed and made for us.  Isn't it great?

Let's head up the driveway.

Lots of Spiraea douglasii in bloom.

And there are fluffy clouds of Oceanspray.

Tall, tall grass lines one side of the Big Creek.

The blackberries are blooming and fruiting.

More Oceanspray.

A baby oak tree.

Turkey tail mushrooms.

We lost part of an oak tree in the snow.  The cut up wood is covered with Turkey tails.

The red Elderberry is in bloom.

And if you look closely you can see the green berries.  They never turn bright red - the Black-headed Grosbeaks are busy stripping them long before the ripen.


  1. Your greenery is still looking so lush, Beth. Love the sign to watch for quail babies!

  2. Hi Beth,
    The quail sign is beautiful and perfect!!! I always enjoy our walks. Thanks as always for your beautiful blog.

  3. Love your baby quail sign! It's awesome!

  4. Nice sign! A good reminder. We have had lots of mother geese leading their goslings across busy Boise streets, and it’s funny to see traffic stopped during rush hour as they cross (all the drivers in front aaahing and ooohing over the babies, and drivers at the back of the line wondering what the hold-up is!).

    Turkey tail mushrooms are named well!

  5. I do love the new sign and very much needed. We are getting some needed rain up here.


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