Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Bees and Deer

Design - Bees
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - 10 count Lambswool Heatherfield
Fibers - DMC and WDW
Started - 5 May 2010
Completed - 9 May 2010

Here's an oldie but a goodie!  

Parvati Patel may be 18 years old, but she thinks she's invincible! 

This group of young deer was very interested. 

One deer stopped for a look.


Stopped for a closer look.

Walked again.

Closer still.

Parvati gave no ground.

Going so far as to ignore the smallest deer. 

Back again!

Most interesting!
Hope you too have an interesting day!


  1. Sweet bee finish, Beth! I loved that series between the deer and Parvati. Thanks for featuring it again! I just noticed in the 2nd photo, it is a young buck in the group.

  2. Love how Parvati defends her territory! Such cute pictures! The bees piece is so pretty too!

  3. How fabulous are these pictures ! Deer are truly curious animals....we had a very bad thunderstorms last evening but that didn’t keep the bear from coming in & destroying all my feeders😠 have a great day!

  4. Those photos are so cute. What a brave cat!!!

  5. Cute pictures and nice stitching.

  6. Haha... too funny! The deer certainly are looking good. They get so scruffy during the cold winter months.

    Love your Bee finish.

  7. I'm a little late on this post. Our outside cats pay much respect to the deer in our yard. The rebel from next door however tried to hide behind our plum tree the other day when mama deer was out. Once she got to close to him he jumped on the tree maybe just three feet up and tried to swat her with his paw. I had a good laugh just watching him. She quickly let him know she wouldn't put up with it and he retreated further up the tree. Silly cat!

  8. I'm a little late on this post. Our outside cats pay much respect to the deer in our yard. The rebel from next door however tried to hide behind our plum tree the other day when mama deer was out. Once she got to close to him he jumped on the tree maybe just three feet up and tried to swat her with his paw. I had a good laugh just watching him. She quickly let him know she wouldn't put up with it and he retreated further up the tree. Silly cat!


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