Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

Lots of flowers... 

...lots of hummers.

They are partaking in all the natural nectar. 

Both Anna's and Rufous - though I seem to have mostly captured Rufous in action.

Noshing from a Salvia.



Here's an Anna's eating at Salvia #1.

And Salvia #2.

Pondering what to eat next.

The male Anna's I see more often at the feeders.

He zips in for a drink.

And a short rest, before flying off again.

The Rufous are 'posers'...

...and 'perchers'!


  1. Beautiful hummingbird photos this morning! We have 5 feeders hanging and they get refilled at least once a day as there isn't much around in nature for them to feed on. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. How wonderful to watch the Hummers! They are always busy busy busy here.

  3. Great photos and how wonderful that they come to visit you :-)
    I like to watch the birds come into our garden but we don't have anything that beautiful.


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