Monday, July 29, 2019

A Lighthouse

While I'm figuring out what I might stitch in the future, I picked out a quick little kit - a Heart in Hand lighthouse.

Now it's time for a Woodpecker Recap.

A little male Downy - I've seen two males at the same time.

Female Downy

Male Downy

Back to a female Downy - I like how her tail feathers are all on display. 

A larger female Hairy Woodpecker.

Male Hairy Woodpecker

A young Red-breasted Sapsucker,

Close up

And working further away.

Female Acorn Woodpecker

A young male Northern Flicker.

Having a look.

Perfect pose.


  1. You are off to a good start on the lighthouse stitch, Beth. I like the spotted chest of the young male Northern Flicker.

  2. Great woodpecker photos. I should be stitching lighthouses since we are docents at one 3 or 4 times every summer. I love the atmosphere when we are out there. Our little lighthouse is the oldest one on Puget Sound, built in 1879!


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