Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wednesday's Bird Walk

Sunday morning, my mom and I took part on a bird walk in Hendrick's Park.

Established in 1906, it's Eugene's oldest city park.

It's a tradition of many families to walk there on Mother's Day when the 6000 varieties of rhododendrons and... 

...other ornamental plants are in bloom.

I'm partial to Gunnera.

The park is 80 acres so has room for native critters...

..and plants...

...and birds.

This was the Best Bird in my opinion and a "Lifer" for my mom. 

A Black-throated Gray Warbler singing its heart out.

The light was not the best.

But the bird gave us lots of good looks...

..and poses.

I was delighted to see a shy Brown Creep at work eating insects as it march up the side of a Douglas fir. 

There were lots of Cedar Waxwings. 

Such handsome birds.

It was so quiet we could hear the church bells ringing.

The native Oaks were full of birds: Bushtits, Anna's Hummingbirds, Black-capped Chickadees, and Hutton's Vireos among others.

We also got to watch an active Black-capped Chickadee nest in decaying stump.
A lovely way to spend the morning. 

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous place to take a walk and take in all that mother nature has to offer!


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