Thursday, June 6, 2019

Ladybugs and Waxwings

Design - Duh Ladybug
Designer - Hog River
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Floss - DMC
Started - 21 May 2010
Completed - 24 May 2010

I even have a pillow to match!

I had computer issues and was late adding a blog header for June and posting about it. If you are interested in the details, they can be found here.  

On to the birds.  

I had my first small group of Cedar Waxings come by last week.

They were hanging out with a male Purple Finch.

These are three adult birds.

All handsome in their Frowny Fashion.

Much chatting going on - you can see the bird second from the left holding forth.

As spring progresses into summer, I hope the Waxwings will be 'regulars'.


  1. Those Waxings definitely have their frowny faces on! Your Ladybug stitch is a cutie.

  2. Love your pillow and those waxwings are very pretty. Have a good day, Diane.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.