Monday, June 24, 2019

Watching Woodpeckers

I had some 'extra' time on Wednesday and pulled out the Ruby-crowned Kinglet to stitch.  Got quite a bit of the main branches outlined.  I love this stitch, but this time of year it seems like all my spare time is spent outside - birding, planting, watering.

The woodpeckers continue provide me with daily entertainment.
I've had a mix of Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers - adults and youngsters.

The other day I had a male adult Downy... 

...waiting for a male adult Hairy Woodpecker to finish up.

The juvenile Downy also waited...

...while the juvenile Hairy was fed by his father.

I haven't seen any fledgling Flickers, but this one was making usual sounds while eating.

I wondered if he was talking to a fledgling that I could not see.


  1. Oh Beth, your Ruby-crowned Kinglet stitch is just fantastic!

  2. Love this post. Have a good week, Diane

  3. Your Kinglet stitch is looking good. Beautiful bird photos, Beth!


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