Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Special Visitors

Design - "On Seas of Blue"
Pamphlet- "Noah and Company"
Designer - Alma Lynne Designs
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Fibers - DMC 2 strands over 2 threads

I fiddled with this design quite a bit personalizing it to my tastes. I changed one band to a rainbow and added the blue borders between the bands.

IDing warblers is tough - at least it is for me.

I'm pretty sure this is an Orange-crowned Warbler.

No matter the name, it was nice to see the bird.

The Ravens have fledged!
Look closely - there are three youngsters.

The photos are not great as the Ravens are true Early Birds and this was about 6:15am!

Los of talking and squawking!

The fledglings were noticeably smaller than the adults. 

Here's an adult.

They hung around for about 20 minutes...

...before flying off together.

1 comment:

  1. Your Noah's Ark stitch looks great. Enjoyed today's batch of birds!


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