Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Mishmash

Design - "Plaid Bunny"
Chart - "The Bunny Collection"
Designer - JBW Designs
Fabric - 28 count White Cashel linen 
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 August 2010
Completed - 8 August 2010 

Kind of a mishmash of photos to share...

Rufous female grabbing nesting material.

Glossy male Acorn Woodpecker.

This female Red-Shafted Northern Flicker went through a series of poses for me.

Left and... 

...right and...

...up and down!


  1. Your plaid bunny is adorable, Beth! Great bird photos! I am still amazed with the hummers and the pieces from the nesting ball. Have a fabulous Friday!

  2. Oh what a cute bunny--I might have to order that pattern!!!
    and isn't fun to think that birds and critters are posing just for us to take their photos!!! I have talked more butterflies into landing so I could get their photos!!:-)
    I just love all your nature photos--keep them coming!!
    thanks--luv, di

  3. Super photos even if they are a mish mash! Plaid bunny is so cute!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.