Thursday, April 4, 2019

Building a Bird

I am working away stitching a Golden-crowned Kinglet.
And while I do not have a Kinglet to share, I do have some other little flitty birds.

Case in point - a female Bushtit.

Male Lesser Goldfinch.

I don't think I saw a White-crowned Sparrow all winter.
Welcome bird!

And speaking of welcome....

I hope that this male Evening Grosbeak is a precursor of many more to follow.  

He made a brief stop at the feeder on Tuesday morning.  

Look at that big beak!

It's a seed crusher for sure.

Tell all your friends and family about the easy and abundant food available here!


  1. Beth, you have made good progress on your bird stitch. What a super assortment of birds that are showing up to eat!

  2. Very good bunch of birds! I'm starting to know which birds are around in what season! Nice to see the Evening Grosbeak!


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