Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Hummers

The hummingbirds have endured a little bit of everything the past week and a halpf.

Snow, fog, more snow, rain, freezing rain, snow flurries, rain, and intermittent sun.

The male Anna's have shown up each and everyday.

This was the freezing rain day.

I was pleased that the cover I recently purchased kept the feeder dry and ice-free.

Poor bird looks disgusted.

Two males.

And again.

Close up.

Finally an Anna's female.

She was calm...

...and then she wasn't. 

This was my big surprise Friday morning.

A female Anna's checked out my organic cotton nesting material.

She grabbed...

...pulled off a small bit, and flew off to work on her nest.
There have been sighting of locally of male Rufous Hummingbirds. Last year, I saw one on March 1st.  This year, I'm still watching and waiting.     


  1. So cool to see the female pull off the nesting material! Your hummer pictures always make me smile, Beth.

  2. Beth, after having another Snow storm yesterday how perfect to start the day looking at fabulous hummers!! And to see your photo taking nesting material ...Spectacular...Thank you!!

  3. So glad these strong little birds can get through the winter! I hope the nesting helps to make lots more of the cute little birds!

  4. As always I love these birds. Have a good week, Diane


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