Saturday, March 9, 2019

In the Meadow...

Lots and lots of chipmunks this week. 

So many I'm almost stumbling over the top of them.

It's good fun to watch them scurry about in the snow.

I am setting seed out on the back patio of the birds and the chippies too.

They scurry this way...

...and that way.

So much snow in the meadow , that yes, we could still build a snowman.

A gray squirrel has become a regular the past two weeks. 

Or maybe there are two of them.

No matter, there's plenty of food.

A couple of bunnies have reappear after a snow hiatus. 

Big soft nose.

Be extra alert as the snow makes you easy to see!

These tracks in  the snow could well be those of a predator!


  1. I do love the chipmunks they are so pretty. It amazes me how animals survive in the snow! Keep warm, Diane

  2. I hope the chipmunks, bunnies, and squirrels survive from your snowfall. Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. Great pics! I’m always amazed that you get so many clear shots of the chipmunks. They move so fast that by the time I even notice one, it has usually scurried up a tree, out of sight.

    I wonder what the animals think of the snow, and if that bunny realizes he (or she) is so visible.


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