Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hey Handsome!

What's up in Hummer World yo ask? First off lots of folks are reporting their first hummer sightings of the year - that's wonderful!

I have a couple of female Anna's.

They've been at the feeders frequently...

...and through Thursday they were still nest building.

I also have a couple of male Anna's.

They are feeder hogs.

Yes you!

Male Rudous n the left, male Anna's on the right.

On Monday (the 18th), I was able to document a female Rufous at the feeder.

She looks similar to an Anna's, but she has brown on her tail and on the sides beneath her wings. 

Welcome back.

But this guy is the star of my Hummer show. 

He's come up from the northern half of Mexico to spend the spring and early summer in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, western Montana, British Columbia, and clear into southern Alaska - a trip of over 4,000 miles!  Wow!

One of my sister's roses has become a favorite perch.

Is he bright or what?

In the shadows he looks brown and bronze.

Quieter colored.

But in bright light...

...this boy has bling!

No words, right?


  1. His coloring is simply stunning. Welcome back!

  2. Oh Beth, these photos are spectacular I must say I have Rufous hummingbird envy! He is glorious...we do not have this species in northern MN Thanks always for sharing so appreciate it!!

  3. They are so beautiful. Have a good week. Diane

  4. Oh Beth, what a stunner - so very, very beautiful and such a long way to travel for such a tiny bird.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.