Monday, March 25, 2019

Go Ducks!

While watching the University of Oregon men's basketball game Sunday evening I managed a little progress on "Winter's Wisdom" by Cottage Garden Samplings.  I have LOTS of pine branches and boughs to stitch on this big boy. 

The University of Oregon men's and women's basketball teams BOTH advanced to their respective Sweet Sixteen!  Go Ducks!

I haven't seen any ducks lately, but I did see a V of Canada Geese flying northeast early Saturday morning.

A Robin sang as dawn advanced.

I'm seeing my Acorn Woodpeckers in the backyard regularly.

They are such great birds...

..and give me such good looks.

Here are two guys munching down a cylinder of nuts.


  1. You are off to a good start on your Wisdom piece, Beth. I know you are thrilled to have the birds return.

  2. Lovely photos, I do love woodpeckers but ours are generally well hidden! Have a good week, Diane

  3. Pretty start on your stitching! Yay for acorn woodpeckers!

  4. Your stitching is looking good! Hooray for acorn woodpeckers!

  5. The basketball is exciting when you are a fan. I got my Master's at University of Louisville. My DH just told me they are also going on. Of course, UW is out!


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