Saturday, February 2, 2019

January's Best Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek - Camera #1

January was pretty quiet on this trail camera.

The Silver Fox came by once.

A cocuple of blurry bob-cats.

This early morning one is the best shot.

Not even much by way of deer.

The two bucks together are the big surprise.

They do not normally hang out in groups.

Deer close up. Ear close up!

A trio.

A Selfie.


  1. The last bobcat looks to be a good sized fellow!!

  2. Super pictures, Beth! No bear sightings? Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. Oh well...some months are better than others! Starting my catch-up on blogs! YOURS I particularly missed! Hugs!

  4. Fun pictures! I discovered a cool big animal attractant that is super good for the animals! (


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