Monday, February 4, 2019

A Start

I do have a finish to share, but first here's my newest start.  We are supposed to get bit of snow this morning  (our first this winter) so a snowman stitch is appropriate.

I've got my feeders all filled up and ready to go if the birds want / need extra calories during our cold spell.

The woodpeckers have been gobbling up suet.

This male Acorn Woodpecker has returned to the backyard for suet treats.

I had all three birds  (2 males & 1 female) at the front feeders briefly the other day, but no camera documentation.

Look at the grip of the feet - no wonder they can hang upside down on branches.

I also have a male Flicker who comes by most mornings for some suet.

It will be interesting to see if anyone usual stops by this cold, possibly snowy morning.


  1. Great photos. I have only heard the woodpecker this year I have seen no sign of one at all!! Have a good week Diane

  2. Super photos, Beth! Based on your photos today, I think we saw a Flicka over the weekend.

  3. The birds have been eating me out of house and home this winter! Made another trip today and bought shelled sunflower kernels for the woodpeckers that have been coming this winter. I wish I had acorn woodpeckers, they are so striking!! Great photos Beth.

  4. Our birds up here need all the help they can get. We had lots of snow yesterday 4 or 5 inches and today the frigid cold and wind have set in. What a shocks for what has been a lovely mild winter.


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