Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Snowy Finish

Design - "Alfred"
Designer -Heart in Hand
Fabric - 30 count WDW Seafoam linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, % DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - January 2019
Completed - 3 February 2019

I keep waiting for another special winter bird... 

I guess Fox Sparrows are sort of special.

I only ever see them in the winter.

Ad it certainly is usual for me to have Goldfinches in February. 

Here's a pair of Lesser Goldfinches.

Female on left, male on right.


  1. Love your snowman finish! Those cardinals on his hat make me smile. That Fox Sparrow looks kind of grumpy in the first picture.

  2. The snowman is gorgeous! The birds are great too.

  3. Love the expression on that bird's face! And what a cute snowman finish, Beth :)

  4. The snowman is adorable and love that you added a crow button. Great head on shot of your Fox Sparrow!

  5. Congratulations on your cute finish!

  6. Your snowman finish is so cute! I love the birds on his hat!

  7. Be still my heart! Oh, Alfred is just precious! He is definitely going on my wish list at 123Stitch.

    The fox sparrow sure is a handsome bird.


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