Monday, December 10, 2018

Bird Blob

If you squint hard can you see a Bullfinch?  Nope?  Not me either.

My Red-breasted Sapsucker has kinds of the same color scheme.

The bird came by two days in a row.

And I sorta' went crazy taking photos.

Can you see the new well just above his foot?

 His beak is about to strike it.

Here's a nice profile shot.

And another one.

All puffed up...

...still puffy.

Working away on new wells.

About ready to go back to work.

I think this is my favorite shot.
I like all the mosses and lichens on the tree.

One last photo of a beautiful bird.


  1. I would have been so excited to see it I would have also taken masses of photos 😊 Keep warm Diane

  2. What a handsome bird! Each shot is fabulous, but I really like him puffed up!

  3. Wow I've never seen a bird like is amazing! RJ

  4. That is such a pretty woodpecker. I have never seen one.

  5. Woodpeckers are great - but we dont have a single species in Australia.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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