Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Another New Start

When I'm disorganized and rushed, there's nothing like a pre-packaged kit to get me quickly back on track. Now I need to channel the sentiment: All is calm!

A blue sky day made it easy to see and enjoy this Acorn Woodpecker. 

I love how they march along the top of a branch, only to roll over and march along the bottom, because, hey they're woodpeckers!

This branch is a favorite perch. 

This one is a male.

Bright red head with white on the front of his face.


  1. Such a lovely woodpecker! Love his bright head! I agree -- kits are fantastic. Enjoy the new start!

  2. Love the shots of the woodpecker! Good pick for a new start, Beth!

  3. How lucky you are to see them and thanks for sharing. Take care Diane

  4. I think those Acorn Woodpeckers look like the clowns of the woodpecker world! I mean the word clown nicely, fun and friendly!

  5. Cute new stitch you have started. Looking forward to seeing it finished. Great photos of the woodpecker...he is cute!!! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. Kits are very handy indeed! I need to invest in a few more ;)

    Love his red head--what a cute little guy!


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