Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

In the early morning light there is just a touch of color.

Later in the day, the bird glows...

...unless he doesn't.

And back to some color.

A female and male Anna's.

She's perched, he's drinking...

...and waiting.

Here's another male - more colorful than the one above.

Coming in for a landing.

Dipping for a drink...

and buzzing in once again.


  1. I just love Ruby Throated hummers! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Catching up again -- both the hummers and the critters from the previous post are super!

  3. Lovely set of photos.

    I am trying slowly to catch up after my hard drive crashed out completely, will be sometime before I am back to where I was.

    Have a good week. Cheers Diane


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