Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saturday's Critters

We continue to have lovely sunny days.

Even the big old bumble bees are happy.

The chipmunks coming running for food in 'their' bowl.

Though they do not like to share.

I've had up to five at the woodpile.

They each have their own spot to eat.

Look at this guy's dainty little paws.

And his fat cheeks.

This one looks sleepy to me.

The bunnies are staying close to the brush and safety.

I've shared this photo before of the two button buck brothers.

They were nuzzling one another.

Like many twins, they seem to be a unit. 


  1. Aren't the brothers sweet? I wonder how long they will stay together?

  2. Boy, do they ever look alike. They will be friends for life. have a great day hugs


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