Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lots of Yellow

Thank you to everyone for all the kind comments on my sister's dahlia ribbons.
She spends hundreds of hours during the year planning, planting, and caring for her dahlias.

I was running low on DMC, WDW and Crescent Colors so I placed an order and also purchased the fabric I need to complete The Little Stitcher's bird calendar series.

While there's not much yellow in my stitching purchases, there certainly is in the natural world.

"Golden Celebration" peeking out the deer fence - I hope the deer don't munch it!

And here's an adorable Orange-crowned Warbler.

 Up high an American Goldfinch with the Orange-crowned Warbler below. See all the 'extra' yellow in the wings and tail feathers of the warbler?

And the Yellow-breasted Chat came back!

What an awesome bird.

Click on this photo to enlarge it - the yellow breast feathers fluff out over the gray and white ones.  

Front on.

Side view.

I've had several sightings of a female Western Tanager.

My time is limited as these birds have begun to migrate.

So I tend to go camera crazy when I see one.

"What ya' looking at?"

"Are the hummingbirds pestering you?"

I think of these birds as "Good-bye to Summer" birds.


  1. I love the Plum Street Samplers charts and that cool fabric! Have fun stitching them. As to the birds, I haven't seen many yellow birds here in Savannah.

  2. What a nice package of goodies you ordered and received! I enjoyed seeing the yellow around your yard.

  3. Lots of goodies. Wow. I love to look at all your birds. Love the yellow rose. have a great day.

  4. Yellow is my favorite color and I love these beautiful birds!!

  5. Your order looks amazing Beth. What is the name of the snowman all the way to the right? It looks like it is by Val. Next year my small challenges are going to be snowmen and this one looks adorable. Love all of your bird photos...cute, cute, cute birds they all are. RJ

  6. Those yellow birds are all just beautiful! This summer I am not sad to say goodby! We had more smoke today, not as bad but still evident!

  7. Great choices for patterns and fabrics. As happy as I am to say good-bye to summer I'll miss the few summer birds that stopped by here. You have many more Summer birds than I do.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.