Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Dahlia Winners

The Portland, Oregon Dahlia Society held it show at Oaks Park the last weekend in August.

My sister headed out at 5am on Saturday to take her selections to the the show.
(One of the many bouquet categories.) 

I came up on Sunday to see the show and keep her company on the drive. 

It's always fun to see oodles of the same variety of flowers.

I'm rather partial to anemone form of dahlias. 

Most of the categories included single bloom and the much harder - triple bloom.

Here's another triple bloom display.

Large A & AA sized dahlias.

Each club picks a variety to promote - Portland chose "Hollyhill Black Beauty".

The club also sold $5 bouquets - a super fund-raiser.

The goal is to have an entry judged to make it to the Head Table.

This was one of the Head Table winners - I love the small size and peach color.

My sister ended up with five - yes five Head Table winners!

Here are her blooms and ribbons!
I told her the ribbons were so big it looked like she'd been showing draft horses rather than flowers.

From left to right:
"Pam Howden" - Best 1 bloom waterlily dahlia in show
"Chimacum Davi" - Best 1 bloom miniature ball dahlia in show - this miniature ball also won one of the top four prizes as the Best 1B fully double dahlia in show. 
"Midnight Star" - Best 1 bloom orchid dahlia in show
"Crazy Cleere's" - Best 3 bloom miniature ball in show  
"Clearview Audrey" - Best 1 bloom BB-sized dahlia in show

On to the Eugene dahlia show in mid-September!


  1. Congratulations to your sister!! I never knew there was a orchid variety of dahlias, that Midnight Star is striking. You have to share these beautiful flowers growing in her garden!

  2. Wow! Look at all those Dahlias! Congratulations to your sister and best wishes as she heads to the Eugene dahlia show.

  3. Wow Beth the Dahlias are gorgeous. Congrats to your sister on winning so many ribbons. She did a beautiful job and they were well deserved. RJ

  4. ooOoo! Wowza! Love these! Doesn't hurt that they are mostly pink too, right? ;) tee hee! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  5. Oh, what a stunning show that must have been to see in person! They are all just lovely--especially those that your sister grew. Congratulations to her--those giant ribbons were well deserved :)

  6. CONGRATULATIONS SISTER!!! I never realized how utterly enchanting Dahlias could be until these amazing photos!

  7. Congratulations to your sister, her Dahlias are stunning and those ribbons are beautiful. Boy your sister sure can grow beautiful flowers and be proud of them. She must spend all her time in her Dahlia garden. I am amazed had how perfect each flower is. I wish I had them in my garden. Good luck for mid September. Tell your sister good luck from me. hugs

  8. What a feast for the eye! I would have loved a few of the $5 bouquets. My grandpa loved dahlias. I may have shared an old photo with you before(?) I love dahlias but our weather is too humid and hot. Congrats to your sister! Her hard work paid off!

  9. Those are stunning. Congrats to your sister. And I've made a note to put the Eugene show on my calendar. (I don't garden -- I just admire other people's talents and hard work!)

  10. Congratulations to your sister. Her dahlias are simply magnificent!

  11. How stunning! You really have to click on the pictures to see them BIG. Amazing the variety of colors, sizes and shapes! Thank you for sharing.


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