Monday, August 6, 2018

Still Stitching Still Birding

Between work and gardening watering potted plants and flowerbeds, I've not had much time to stitch.  But I did manage to 'paint' the house and and stitch the blossoms. Next up: leaves, an urn, and a lawn.  Then, finally, I can tackle the flag.

I've been working more days per week . hours per week lately, but still manage an hour of watching birds before breakfast and a half hour or so in the evening. 

Sunday evening after dinner Parvati and I went outside.  I looked up and thought, "Boy is that ever a BIG Goldfinch!" 

Upon closer examination, it was clearly a female Western Tanager.  

This bird made Sunday a Two Tanager Day for me.

In the morning, a male Wstern Tanager flew in, but it was never still, and I was unable to get a photograph of it.

The female Western Tanager was much better behaved...

...she let me click off several photos... two different locations. 

I think this is my favorite one.

I'd been mentally grumbling to myself about the lack of 'good'' birds this month...

...on Sunday I was amply rewarded.


  1. Good progress on your LK stitch! What a pretty bird she is!

  2. A very pretty stitch and an even prettier birdy model!

  3. Oh that is the cutest stitch Beth. What is the name of it? You catch the birds in the best poses. Love these photos. RJ

  4. She is a beautiful bird. I'm spending lots of time watering. I tried overhead but it broke too many of my dahlias!! That is a very pretty stitch!

  5. Beautiful the coloring...and that LK piece is so cute!!

  6. Thats a very nice bird - I rather like it when you think 'wait a minute - that's not a ........" and you find a different bird.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Lovely stitching, and such a beautiful bird as well

  8. Your making great progess on your stitch, the Tanager is gorgeous!! I'm glad you got a good bird!

  9. What a great bird to spot at your own feeder -- in any month of the year, but especially mid--summer!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.