Sunday, August 5, 2018

July's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #2

So what happened it the back yard in July?
Let's take a look.

It started off with a Bobcat strolling to the right mid-morning...

...and then to the left.

And showing up in the pre-dawn hours.

An opossum was also active before dawn. 

With many of the grasses brown and spent, the green of our yard is attracting all kinds of deer... 

Even reindeer!  I think that must be Rudolph!

The does are tussling.

A couple of bunnies.

A small California Quail family.

A larger group.

A fawn on the move.

Bob the Cat.

"Hey you're nursing - I'm coming too!"

Steller's Jay

Fawn to the left...

Curiosity to the right. goes the bunny.

Curious fawn checking out a bunny. 


A sizable quail family.


  1. How exciting to have "Bob the Cat" visiting!! Such a great assortment of critters you have there. Neat photo of Rudolf jumping!

  2. Another round of super critter photos, Beth! Loved the leaping reindeer!

  3. Love your photos! We have a baby possum coming to the deck for cat food. Oh, it is the cutest! Just saying that because a lot of people don't seem to care for possums. I like it all :)

  4. The Bobcat is amazing, but please be careful!

  5. Those jumping deer pictures are so fascinating!!

  6. Your photos are amazing! You capture the best things. I love the jumping reindeer...he's a bit early for a visit! RJ

  7. What a great collection of photos, well done, Diane


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