Saturday, August 18, 2018

Saturday's Critters

A bit more critter action than some weeks. 

We start off with the usual - chipmunks.

Hot weather means everyone is thirsty.

And hungry.

A family gathering on the woodpile.

Close ups - a drink..

A side glance.

A snack.

Bunny eating weeds in a trug.

Easy pickings he says.

Good camouflage - the bunny is almost the same color as the dried grasses. 

That broad bunny nose!

I do not usually see raccoons, so I was surprised to see a mama with 3 or 4 babies. Can you see the little one following her to the right?

Everyone was in a big hurry so I did not get any good photos.

One of the does with twins comes by most mornings...

...but the other morning, we had both does and all four fawns! 


  1. Yay for the critters! It is unusual to see raccoons during the day. The fawns are growing quickly. Enjoy your Saturday, Beth!

  2. Those critters must feel very safe to be so close to you. That's a blessing for all.

  3. Many wonderful animals come to visit with you Beth. I love the bunny...he is adorable! RJ

  4. I was told you should never see a raccoon during the day, and that if you do he/she might be sick with rabies. On the other hand, I also think I've heard that if it's a mother with babies, it's different. So I assume that's the case here. So many babies around your place!

  5. As usual Beth, some of these pictures are truly calendar or art worthy. They are beautiful!!

  6. I have not been on Blogger for quite some time but I must say I missed your amazing photographs. Love all the beautiful critter pictures!

  7. What great animals! I'd love to see some raccoons.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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