Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday's Finish

Design - "Calendar of Birds" - "Yellow Wagtail"
Designer - The Little Stitcher
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Mocha linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 August 2018
Completed - 14 August 2018

Jrrobinantony via Wiki Commons
The Yellow Wagtail is a European and African bird - and one I've never seen, so I decided to share this photo from Wiki Commons. It's quite handsome.

I have no wagtails to share, but I do have woodpeckers.

Here's my male Hairy Woodpecker...

I see him most days. 

Here's a female Hairy - she is very infrequent mid-summer.

My Acorn Woodpeckers have been scarce too.
See the two birds?

I sometimes have a male come to the backyard feeders.

But earlier this week I had three - three males fly in at the same time.
One was clearly a juvenile - I'm hoping for photos.

Come on guys - I want a family portrait! 

The Flickers remain reliable - like this male.

And here's a female.

I've had up to three at the feeders.

Blurry very long distance photos of a male Pileated Woodpecker.

I could hear the bird calling and calling and calling.

I finally found it off in the distance atop a Cottonwood.
That wraps up the woodpeckers for this week.


  1. What a pretty bird stitch you have finished, Beth! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Such lovely birds and a great finish before the weekend!

  3. I am wondering just how many birds you have in cross-stitch it must be hundreds. I love woodpeckers, but here I mostly hear them and seldom see them. Enjoy your weekend, Diane

  4. Love your bird finish Beth and it is on one of my favorite fabrics. Wow I've never seen a woodpecker...very cool! RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. What a lovely stitching finish! That is a very pretty bird but I also love seeing your wonderful woodpeckers!

  6. I never heard of wagtails before but what a pretty bird. I love seeing the variety of woodpecker that come to your feeders.


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