Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Walk in the Dahlia Garden

In late August my sister's dahlia garden is at its peak.

She planted out around 240 dahlias this year and will show the best in Portland, Eugene, and Roseburg over the next few weekends.

It is very much a labor of love that keeps her busy almost every month of the year.

I just enjoy the results of her efforts and care.

Haley's Dream

A.C. Shitake


Lakeview Glow

Camano Susan

Clearview Audrey

Colwood Hope

Tidy rows

Midnight Star


Bees love open faced dahlias.

This is Lexa - it's named after my sister.
How cool is that!


  1. The dahlias are gorgeous!!! I never realized the shape of the dahlias took so many different forms. The color of Lexa is gorgeous, how neat is that she has a dahlia named after her!! Does she enter them in shows that are judged?

  2. I am so glad you shared your sister's dahlias once again. I miss my dahlias. These are gorgeous stunners. She will do very well this year. I just know it!

  3. Absolutely amazing. I had a wonderful visit with a friend this week who has about a hundred in her garden.

  4. Very beautiful! The Lexa is fantastic.


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