Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Finish to Share

Design - "Wren"
Chart - "Prairie Birds"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt Ocean Kiss linen
Started - 19 August 2018
Completed - 26 August 2018

I love this series and am hoping to find enough fabric to finish the last three designs.

I do have a couple of wrens in the area.

The Bewick's Wren I see and hear with some frequency. 

The Pacific Wren I've only ever seen once on a snowy afternoon.

This time of year...

...the Ravens remain active...

...as do the Band-tailed Pigeons.

I'm back to see just one California Scrub Jay.

He runs off all the Steller's Jays to eat his fill.

The Flickers continue to delight...

..as do the California Quail.  This widower is raising a family of eight chicks and I just saw another male with four tiny, tiny chicks. I hope there is enough time for them to grow large enough to survive the winter.  

These gals are pretty good sized.

Here's a quail couple that appears to be kid-free.


  1. Love your PS bird stitch, Beth! Always enjoy your bird photos!

  2. Cute finish! I love wrens, such pretty birds.

  3. I love this finish, Beth, and stitched it myself for a Christmas ornament. I really should stitch the rest of them some day :) Such a nice looking quail couple you photographed!

  4. Another beautiful finish. Again, I do love these pretty birds, especially the ravens which have a special place in my heart.

  5. Beth what a lovely wren cross stitch. Enjoyed all of your great bird photos too. RJ

  6. That is an adorable wren finish Beth.

  7. A sweet design and very sweet birds!

  8. What a gorgeous finish! We have wrens in the garden, they are my favourite little bird - sadly they are also the cats' favourite little birds!

  9. I love this stitch, I hope you have enough fabric for the remaining stitches. great photos of the birds too!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.