Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday's Walk

I'm a weather whimp and I think it is too hot to go on a nature walk.

I will take you on a stroll around the house instead.
Our air quality crashed with smoke from the wildfires in the southern part of the state drifting northward into the Willamette Valley.

My sister moved my Liatris  plant last year - it is much happier now and blooming for the first time. 



Rose 'Birthday Girl'

Rose 'Queen of Sweden'

Rose - Peace Something or Other...

Rose 'Golden Celebration'

Bunny on the walkway!  He's eating mullein (verbascum) blossoms.


Lobelia Tupa

Sweetpea 'Wiltshire Ripple'

And yet more Coreopsis.

Let's not forget the stalwart shade plants like this wonderful fern! 

This group of Oriental lilies! Wow!
So many blooms and the smell - oh the smell.  In the evening heat it drifts over the top of the house and we can smell it on the back patio. 

And yet more coreopsis!

This Rudbeckia is about ready to make a statement.

With several days of 90f+ heat, these are probably the last of the sweetpeas.

But we will soon have Agapanthus to enjoy!
Stay cool everyone.


  1. Your flowers and plants look fabulous even in the heat, Beth. Stay cool and keep hydrated!

  2. I loved today's walk Beth. Loved the bunny you put in there. ;) We are enjoying a few cooler days. Stay in the shade my friend.

  3. Beautiful flowers and I love the bunny. Take care Diane

  4. Your yard looks beautiful. My coreopsis is doing well, like you , I have several varieties. I go out just long enough to check plants and deadhead!

  5. I want to take a walk in your garden right now! RJ

  6. Oh, what a gorgeous time of year for you--love all the flowers and that sweet bunny :)

  7. One can never have too many Coreopsis plants! They are one of my favorites.


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