Thursday, July 26, 2018

These Are Under Consideration Too

I just unearthed these three Birds of a Feather finishes.  I've stitched the entire series and have had three or so framed, so I'm thinking that I should frame one or two more. The fox is whispering my name...

I've heard Western Wood-pewees on and off this summer.

The other evening I think I finally got a glimpses of one.

It was getting duskish and the light was low.

No worries about light for this photo of a Rufous Hummingbird.

I have an Aloe blooming and it is a hummingbird magnet.

The flowers are perfectly shaped to attract the birds. 

My feeders are still popular too.


  1. Your final photo of the Rufous is stunning! I never knew aloe's flowered! The peewee is an attractive bird, you must have been thrilled to finally see him. Love your 3 stitches, it's hard to pick a favorite!

  2. Your BOAF stitches are adorable, Beth. I think the fox needs framing. I just learned something as I didn't know that aloe flowered.

  3. I love the BOAF finishes Beth. I am hoping you can get them all framed. I am partial to the lamb, it reminds me of a poodle. ;)

  4. Yes, the fox is demanding framing! They are all adorable, Beth--or you could make small pillows of them and display them in a bowl, too.

    Beautiful hummingbird photos--love the detail in the final one!

  5. Oh Beth all three are adorable but if I had to pick one it would be the fox too. He is so, so adorable and smart too!!! Your hummingbird photos are so good as always. Your camera really captures their personalities. RJ

  6. The fox would be a great choice! Your photos of the hummingbirds eating are amazing!


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