Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Here's What I Chose

Here's a collage of the twelve pieces that made the cut and will be framed. All three Birds of a Feather including the fox made the finals.  It is like Christmas when I get them back and get my first look at them.  I will share the finished products with you when I get the call that they are done.

I've had some sweet birds lately.

I had two Wrentits singing away.

They are such elusive birds, I am always excited to 'find' one.

The shaded photo makes it difficult to see that the bill is open and the bird is singing.

A pause in the concert.

Back again singing and singing!

The Western Wood-Pewee did not sing...

..but he treated me to a classic display of 'fly-catching'...

He perched atop a tree then flew a short distance to snag an insect, returning to his perch before sallying off again for another snack. 

Papa Quail wanted a dust bath...

The kids said, "Us too!".

And this little one said, "Wait for me!"


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your framed stitches, indeed it will be like Christmas! Great photos and commentary, love seeing photos of the quail!

  2. I love the collage you created of the pieces that made the cut. Look forward to seeing them in their frames.

  3. 12 beauties! That last picture had me laughing.

  4. The collage of your choices is brill!

  5. Great choices Beth. They all will look wonderful framed. I can't wait to see. RJ

  6. Sweet birds for sure! I don't think you live too far from where we are when we're home here in Oregon but you see so many more birds and different ones it might as well be a different state! Thanks for sharing -- I love seeing them.

  7. I love all of your bird pictures!

  8. It will be fun to see what frames you choose. All the designs are lovely!

  9. Wonderful cross-stitch pieces! The wrentits and quail are wonderful. The wrentits remind me of the joy I get when I see the bushtits here. They are hard to photograph, so I really enjoyed seeing your shots.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.