Monday, July 30, 2018

Fill in the Bird

One more flower on the right to stitch and then it's just a matter of fill in the bird! I think I'm going to change the eye a bit as well - I don't think it stands out.

It seems I once again have a collection of Yellow Bird photos. 

We start off with a male Wilson's Warble who was hanging out with American Goldfinches. 

You can see he is a much, much brighter yellow than the finches. 

Isn't that a sweet little bird? 

Many of my male American Goldfinches have begun to lose their bright yellow courting colors.

Now their main role is as a dad - feeding fluttering fledglings. (Love the alteration of that!)

And look at this bright yellow guy!

A male Western Tanager came by for the briefest of moments.

And while a very pale yellow, it was a huge thrill to hear and then find two Bullock's Orioles.  I was able to take this less than satisfactory photo of the female.


  1. Your Redwing Blackbird is looking good, Beth. I bet the pops of yellow in your yard are so pretty.

  2. How about a red eye? We have birds here that appear to have reddish eyes! It looks great!

  3. Your cross stitch is coming along very well--
    and yellow birds are such happy birds--
    enjoy, di

  4. I love!love! the yellow bird photos! What a pretty piece you are stitching!

  5. Lovely stitch Beth! And your photos of the the yellow birds are wonderful. RJ

  6. I cant help but think that the eye of the bird needs to stand out in photographs and needlepoint.

    How long would it take you to stitch the bird at the top of this post?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. How lovely is all that yellow in your yard!!

  8. All of your pictures are making me miss our western birds! I do love my eastern birds too! ;o) Our goldfinches are still pretty bright, it won't be long and they will be fading.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.