Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Really Truly

I'm really and truly stitching the Redwing Blackbird and am loving the deep rich colors used for this pattern.

The Cedar Waxwings have returned! Here they are...

...and off they go!

They are a seasonal bird for me - late spring through early autumn.

Something about that black-band across the eye, the crest on the head, the yellow-tipped tail feathers. 

What's not to like?

They normally appear in numbers and chat with one another, so I often hear them before I see them. Look at the wild crest feathers on the bird on the left!  He's rockin' it!

In this photo you can see the bird on the right is making the high pitched whistle that is unique to these birds.

In this photo you can see the red blobs on the wings that give the bird the name Waxwing.

I think the Prairie Schooler did a good job honoring the Cedar Waxwings in stitch.


  1. They are pretty birds. Your PS stitch is lovely, Beth.

  2. I do love that Redwing Blackbird chart. Yes, great colors!!

  3. I love Prairie Schooler! Sweet stitch!
    I do like that WXwing “Mohawk!!”

  4. Beth, thanks! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cedar waxwing. They are beautiful little bandits, aren’t they? I agree... Prairie Schooler did a fantastic job designing one, and so elegantly, too. I think it’s a hard thing to do, depicting something accurately in a small design with no backstitching. And the redwing blackbird is a lovely pattern, too. Have fun!

  5. Such a cute PS Cedar Waxwing--and the birds in real life look so handsome. They really do look like their feathers have been waxed! Enjoy your new start--I do love those bird charts :)


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