Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

A day to honor those who served.  

I have extensive document military service my material grandmother's family including the Upton / Carter families beginning with Benjamin Upton.

He ran away from home (Maryland) as a teenager and enlisted for service in the War of 1812 in Ohio.  He was born about 1793 and after the war ended he moved to Pennsylvania where he married Ellen McCray and raised a family.  He died the 3rd of March 1877 and is buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery near Garland, PA.

Benjamin's son, James Upton (1834-1877) served with Company I of the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry in the Civil War.  He too is is buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery near Garland, PA.

Lastly, Joseph Carter (1829-1889), father-in-law of James Monroe Upton (1863-1943) also served in the Civil War in Company B of the Pennsylvania 82nd.  He is buried Bear Lake Cemetery, Warren Township, PA.  

We are most fortunate as a family to have a privately publish manuscript with the Civil War letters Joseph wrote his wife Nellie (Ellen) Carter, and those she wrote to him in return.  Their love and respect for each other is omnipresent, as is the suffering and sacrifice which each made.


  1. Beth, thank you for sharing a bit of your family history. I enjoyed reading what you provided here.

  2. I am sure you treasure those letters, what a wonderful keepsake. We all imagine what our relatives were like. You have their voices to keep forever.

  3. This post was fascinating to a history lover(me). It is wonderful that you have so much information. The letters are priceless. We have a few things like that. My favorite is my Revolutionary War grandfather's application for his pension from service in that war.


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