Friday, May 4, 2018

A Very Little Stitching

Can you tell that I've stitched the Robin's head?  I'm hoping to get more done today. GAST "Gingersnap" is the perfect color for the robin's breast. 

On to the backyard birds. I managed a decent photo of three Canada Geese flying overhead.

I had a courting Brown-headed Cowbird couple stop by.

The male is very differently colored than the rather dull looking female. 

But it was this pair of birds that gladdened my heart.  Do you see them perched on the posts? 

Tree Swallows!  This is the female.

And here this the brilliant blue male.

If I can't have Bluebirds, these guys will do nicely. 

Isn't he beautiful?

And she's not too shabby either with the bits of blue around her eyes.
Welcome guys - there's a nesting box / birdhouse with your name on it.


  1. The tree swallows are gorgeous with their blues. Will the cowbirds hang around or head off, Beth? Nice start on the Robin!

  2. Lovely, as is your stitch!😍

  3. Your Robin is looking good--and soon will be a whole bird!!
    and what a good looking couple the Tree Swallows are-and I do hope they find your nesting box a good place to make their home!!
    enjoy, di

  4. The Tree Swallows are beautiful. I agree the male is brighter but the female does have such pretty subtle color. Yes, gingersnap is perfect for the robin's breast! I use that color quite a bit.


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