Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday's Walk - Blossoms Galore!

We can dodge a rain shower or two - let's go outside!

Everywhere I look things are blooming.


Oregon Fawn Lilies - they are about to explode.

Look how thickly they've sowed here.

Spring beauty.

Dandelions and daisies.


Oregon Grape

This hillside is covered with Trilliums.

Here's a closer look.

And another...

And still more.

There's a purity to trilliums that can't be beat!


  1. What beautiful things to see on your nature walk, Beth! I noticed yesterday as I was walking with Max the pops of yellow of the dandelions appearing. The trilliums are stunning.

  2. All that green...Just beautiful!

  3. Its lovely isn't it blossom popping up all over the place, now we need some sun to bring the insects out to pollinate. Diane

  4. Great pictures of your flora! Funny, as we were out birding today, we noticed that the majority of trees have not yet bloomed, due to the crazy weather. Meanwhile the birds are all ready for nesting season... but hardly any cover!!! Weather finally is saying it will be above 60 next week and beyond! Crossing my fingers!! Hugs!

  5. So many beautiful flowers. I need to go on a terrilium walk if it ever stops raining fairly hard!


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