Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It's Done!

Design - Celebrate - Basket" F166
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel linen
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 March 2018
Completed - 7 April 2018

It took a while, but I am charmed by the smiling bunny face and heartened by the pastel spring colors.  I hope you are too.

I'm seeing some birds I've either not seen this winter or for several weeks anyway.

I've spied a White-crowned Sparrow a couple of times now.

Usually I have 2 or 3 during the winter, but not this year.

I was thrilled to hear and then locate the White-breasted Nuthatch. (I think the bird was laughing at me - what do you think? Listen!

These aren't very good photos, but I had to document seeing this bird. They more often hang out in the oaks down by the road and are rarely up near the house.  

And here's a female Hairy Woodpecker.  I think she's been AWOL since January. 


  1. What a sweet finish you have there Beth. :)

  2. The bird does sound like he is laughing! Sweet stitch and love the springcolors. I woke up to a fresh dusting of snow!

  3. Beth, congratulations on your 'Basket' finish. I like the bunny and the little bird on the basket's handle. I think your bird photos are super. We saw a couple goldfinches here this morning.

  4. Looks like a fun stitch... such a cute bunny face! I had White-breasted Nuthatches on my feeders, but they have moved on recently, along with the Tufted Titmice. Cycles of life... Downy is a regular, but wish a Hairy would pop in once in a while...That is one I have yet to see! Hugs!

  5. That's a very pretty Easter stitch to add to your blog header next April! We went bird watching on Sunday, you inspired us.

  6. This is a really sweet stitch. x

  7. Love your cross-stitch and the birds are great. Diane

  8. That Nuthatch really did sound like it was laughing!! I like your cute Bunny design.

  9. Beth, you Basket finish turned out really cute. Well done! And that nuthatch IS laughing! I played the sound clip and my dog, Scout, immediately perked up and looked at me like, “What’s THAT?!” Definitely brings a smile to my face.

  10. Great finish with the bunny basket. The spring colors are so cheerful.

  11. That bunny did make me smile! Congratulations on the finish.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.